Pre-cut fiberglass reinforcement

Pre-cut fiberglass reinforcement

About Pre-cut fiberglass reinforcement

Pre-cut fiberglass reinforcement forms a network of internal support within the concrete matrix. Short discrete randomly distributed fibers in the concrete matrix create a new composite material, so the prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement will be part of the concrete. The three-dimensional fiber matrix and the concrete form a new composite material: High Performance Fiber Composite Concrete.

Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement has the property of holding the concrete mix together. This slows down the settlement of coarse aggregate and thus reduces the rate of bleeding. Slower bleeding means slower drying and therefore fewer plastic shrinkage cracks. In hardened concrete, polypropylene fibers act as crack inhibitors. Like any secondary reinforcement, prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement prevents cracks from spreading by holding the concrete together, preventing cracks from spreading wider or growing longer. In High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete materials, the fiber bridging mechanisms developed during the crack opening process allow for a gradual increase in tensile strength from crack initiation to a relatively high tensile stress.

Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement is premixed with the concrete and delivered directly to the site, prefab form, or mold, eliminating the steel installation process. Prefab customers achieved a 50% increase in production capacity and cost savings of up to 40%. Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement can shorten construction times, reduce labor and material costs, and significantly reduce ongoing maintenance costs.

Reinforce your concrete with a material that:

  • Increases concrete deformability
  • Eliminates time-consuming steel processes
  • Reduces environmental impact
  • Will not suffer from corrosion.

Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement will evenly distribute within the mix, much easier than steel fibers. Additionally, the prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement will not damage the construction equipment used, such as mixers and pumps.

Concrete itself provides a sleek appearance and incredible durability for a variety of residential (public) and commercial projects. Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement is a simple way to increase toughness, achieve a specific look and feel, and even minimize cracks. Reinforcing concrete with prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement is a rapidly growing market as contractors and flooring companies began to recognize its many benefits.

Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement is advantageous for industrial projects and also beneficial for residential projects.



If you want to increase the toughness and durability of household concrete, such as patios, prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement can help. Fibers are uniformly distributed and provide secondary reinforcement for enhanced durability. For industrial projects, fibers are used to improve the durability of concrete. Remove nets and some of your reinforcement. Build faster.


The last thing you want to do is pour a beautiful concrete floor or other project and then have it crack. Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement will help reduce cracking by protecting the concrete from stresses when it is most vulnerable, usually during the first 24 hours after placement.

If you want to reduce cracking for industrial applications, prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement is an excellent choice. Microcracks naturally appear in concrete due to shrinkage, and if they continue to grow, they can intertwine and become larger, causing visible cracks in the concrete. Prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement counteracts this by cutting the cracks and stopping their growth, reducing cracking and creating a more aesthetically pleasing slab.


When water freezes, it expands. Since there is water in moist concrete, it is susceptible to freezing, causing pressure to build up in the pores of the concrete. If this pressure exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete, it can crack. When concrete is exposed to multiple freeze-thaw cycles, cracking, flaking, and spalling can occur. Adding fibers to the concrete improves freeze-thaw resistance and helps keep the concrete strong and attractive for longer periods.


During the curing process, concrete experiences shrinkage as water evaporates. This process can cause cracks or other imperfections in the concrete. Fibers can help improve a concrete’s resistance to shrinkage, which in turn will reduce its cracking. Fiber also manages the bleeding of concrete, helping to form a stronger bond phase. Fibers and concrete form a composite, so you have a new material: High Performance Concrete.


In applications where the appearance and feel of concrete are important, fibers can help. If your concrete will be used in a driveway, patio, or walkway, this sleek look will catch the eye of neighbors and guests. From durability to appearance, fibers can add a wealth of benefits to your concrete project.


Concrete structures usually consist of steel-reinforced concrete and typically undergo corrosion of the embedded steel due to numerous parameters such as salt, causing such large structures to malfunction. Preventive measures such as repair and maintenance are needed to extend the life cycle of such buildings. Countless such methodologies have been developed and incorporated over the years to minimize such failures of the concrete structures, which mainly consist of reinforced concrete. The best solution to such a problem is to attach polymer fiber composites to the structures. Another alternative to this is adding prefabricated fiberglass reinforcement in the concrete; not only cost reduction occurs, but also optimal use of material is achieved. Fiberglass concrete is a special type of embryonic building material known for its properties such as stiffness, durability, and one that has high mechanical strength.


The compressive force of concrete with polypropylene fiber additives is greater than that of concrete without additives when subjected to thermal aggressions of a maximum temperature of 400 °C.

The mechanism is the PITS theory (Pressure Induced Tangential Space) in which the steam lifts the expansion of the PP as it melts, to squeeze between the fiber and the concrete matrix and pass along the length of the fiber.


Fiber concrete is inspired by ancient building techniques such as adobe, with greater deformability allowing it to deform under tensile stress, as well as greater energy absorption capacity despite cracking. Compared to steel reinforcement, fiber-reinforced shotcrete also has other advantages, such as greater homogeneity of the load-bearing structure, a more efficient profile of the rock profiles, simpler application logistics, fibers help reduce rebound and improve compaction.


Material Fiberglass
Form Zigzag
Color White
Tensile strength
Elastic modulus
Fiber dosage

Images of pre-cut fiberglass reinforcement

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